Classes Resume
Welcome Back Dancers!
We have many events here at Daryl Jervis Dance Studio, including our annual recital. We may also occasionally close for events like holidays. The calendar below will supply you with all the information you’ll need about important dates, deadlines, and closures. View All Events (print Friendly)
Welcome Back Dancers!
Due to the frigid temps and safety of our dance families, the studio will be CLOSED today, Wednesday, January 30, 2019. Stay safe and warm dancers!
Put on your PURPLE and come out to support our award winning High Voltage Dance Company as they compete right here in Toledo!
Please check with the desk that all balances are taken care of. Thank you!
The Daryl Jervis Dance Studio will be closed Monday, March 25th 2019 through Sunday, March 31st 2019. Classes Resume Monday, April 1st 2019.
A preliminary program and backstage volunteer sign up sheet will be posted by Monday, April 1st, 2019. Please check that your dancer's name is spelled correctly. Should it not be correct, please mark the correction directly on the sheet. As a reminder, all classes must have two backstage volunteers in order to perform. Please keep …
Missed them in February? No worries, put your PURPLE on and come on out to Groove dance competition to cheer on our very own award winning High Voltage Dance Company!
Studio Dress Rehearsal: This is a full dress rehearsal with costume, hair and make-up during your regular class time. Please see your costume checklist that will be emailed to you for details. It is also our In Studio Observation Day; so try to attend this special day with your cameras ready!
Early Bird Registration Award: Anyone who pre-registers his or her dancer by Thursday, May 16th will receive the $25.00 back towards the first month’s tuition (September 2019). All students registering after May 16th will not receive this discount. A $25 registration fee per dancer is required at the time of enrollment to hold the dancer’s place for …
This Years’ Recital will be held at the Valentine Theater Saturday evening May 18th, and Sunday matinee May 19th. Stage dress rehearsals will be Friday evening May 17thand Saturday morning May 18th.
Our professional dance instructors teach children skills they’ll cherish for a lifetime in an atmosphere they’ll love right now. Provide your children with a structured and rewarding place to learn by registering for classes with Daryl Jervis Dance.